An Easy Way to Get More Business While Doing a Job

Most of what I will blog about is stuff that I’ve learnt from others and adapted for my own work and life. Both today’s blog and my next blog, however, are 100 percent my own ideas.

We do a lot of work in residential towers, apartment buildings, unit complexes and the like. A little while ago we had to remove tiles from a kitchen and we were required to leave a note in all the other residences’ mailboxes warning about the noise and jackhammering that we were going to do over the next few days. At the same time, we were very active with our social media, posting work as we were doing it and engaging with our followers.

Rather than just distributing a standard noise notice, we printed this note:

Within a day we were getting phone calls looking for pricing.

I’m sure Eric Herman and Dmitry Lyubomirsky, both New York City timber floor guys, will confirm that when working in a high rise, it takes a good portion of your first day to (what we would say) “nut out”—figure out—the limited space and parking and all the other quirks each building has. We have done about six apartments in the one building in the heart of Brisbane, and multiple jobs in many other buildings, and we have benefited from having local knowledge of a building, knowing what to expect of the subfloor when the carpet is removed, where to park, when peak hour is for the lift, etc. We also have the benefit of personally knowing the building manager and the maintenance staff. Remaining courteous also gets you recommended in a building—you can bid a price with much more confidence than any competitor.

Check out the original article here.